Crazy Horse (Heroes)
Never a chief
But a leader of men
A warrior not by nature
But the fiercest of all warriors
He went to the sacred mountains
To cry for a vision
The spirits blessed him with sight
He would never be killed
By a white man’s bullets
But a friend would betray him
He could take no honors
He would not be proud
He would take no more than he needed
He would live and bleed for his people
He betrayed his vision only twice
Laying with another man’s wife
Taking the honor of a shirt bearer
Both times nearly cost him his life
He proved his courage at the Greasy Grass
What the whites call Little Big Horn
He fought with the strength of seven warriors
His vision proved true at last
He knew this world was but a dream
He believed the dream world real
He went to the other side without regret
His image the whites would not steal
His spirit live on in the sacred Black Hills
Where his truth is forever revealed:
“My land is where my people lay buried.”
Crazy Horse