Need to Believe
“I want to believe.” X Files
The key to understanding America
In the early twenty-first century
Is to realize our need to believe
That everything is fine
The march of progress is unstoppable
Our rights can never be taken
Our freedom is secure
The great warming is just a rumor
American greatness is beyond question
American democracy cannot die
And every generation will be greater
Than the last
We so need to believe the mythology
That we are willing to abandon reason
Eager to demonize science
Happy to discard medicine
Ever anxious to believe that a two-bit
Con man is our greatest hope
Americans have always been
Creatures of divine faith
Credulous to the ultimate extreme
Yet we have always shaken
The chains of gullibility
At times of historical need
Maybe this time is different
Maybe this time we’ll sleepwalk
Through the days of Armageddon
Or maybe we’ll awaken in time
To understand that only we
Can arrest the decree