Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mass Deportations


Mass Deportation


Round em up and head em out

The dark-skinned ones

The undocumented

The ones without bankable skills

The ones without employment

The ones who lack insurance

The one who have no bank accounts


Round em up and head em out

By the hundreds and the thousands

On the streets and in the cities

In the alleys and the homeless camps

In the pubs and in the fields

Filling jobs that no one wants

At less than living wages

Under less than decent conditions


Round em up and head em out

When they’re no longer useful

When they’ve spent their last buck

When the boss can’t make the payroll

When they cost more than they’re worth

When politicians need a scapegoat

When there’s no one else to blame


It’s an old game

Use them and abuse them

Like cattle on the range

Until the crops have been gathered

And the harvest is all done

Round em up and head em out

Until next year … 


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