Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Hillary Roadmap to Losing in November



By Jack Random

No one exemplifies the definition of insanity (trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result) than the Democratic Party. 

On the Monday before Super Tuesday the Democrats in coordination with mainstream Democratic media (MSNBC, CNN) staged a rare and impressive display of party unity in an attempt to derail the Bernie Sanders train to the presidential nomination.  To a large extent their efforts succeeded.  If not for California the Sanders campaign would be on life support. 

The irony is: We have seen this act before.  The party is repeating the same pattern of behavior that culminated in losing the presidency to the most unqualified and ill-suited candidate for high office in all of American history. 

Congratulations, Democrats!  You’re doing it again. 

Perhaps the most unpopular nominee in party history, Hillary managed to win the nomination by capitalizing on her association with former President Barack Obama.  Without a direct endorsement, that association was good enough to win a dominant share of the African American vote.  She swept the South and used big money donations and free media promotion to run up an insurmountable lead.  By the time we got to the California primary it was all over. 

Then Hillary took her corporate friendly policies and an attitude of entitlement into the general election.  She won big on the coasts but she lost the rust belt where the good working people of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin abandoned her by the busloads.  They didn’t believe she represented their interests.  They had good reason not to believe her.  Her record did not support her promises. 

If this all sounds familiar it should.  Joe Biden is Hillary without the pantsuit or the political acumen.  On some vague, hard-to-define level, old Joe is certainly more likable than Hillary.  But he represents the same failings.  He represents a party that gives only lip service to the memory of Franklin Roosevelt.  He represents a party that loudly proclaims:  We’re not as bad as the other guys!  Yeah.  Well, maybe you’re not but there’s not a whole lot to get excited about. 

Hillary thought that argument would win her the critical states by default.  She was dead wrong.  She didn’t even bother to show up. 

Old Joe Biden goes on the stump and delivers every platitude and cliché known to the American history books:  Four score and seven years ago, our father who art in heaven...  Ah jeez, you know what I mean. 

Old Joe has challenged a man who dared question the job his son took in Ukraine to a pushups match.  His Democratic challengers have been exceedingly polite in not bringing up that crooked deal.  The first rule of politics is not to engage in behavior that has even the appearance of corruption. 

Do you think the Trump campaign or Trump himself will ignore the Hunter Biden story?  How do you think Old Joe will respond this time?  By challenging the man in the orange mask to a dual at sundown? 

Trump rode to the Republican nomination in 2016 largely on the strength of free publicity delivered by mainstream media.  Despite the fact that Bernie Sanders draws crowds in the thousands, his events rarely make an appearance on any newscast.  The blitz of Old Joe the comeback kid during and after the South Carolina primary was topped only by the open adulation and coronation before, during and after Super Tuesday. 

The only difference between the bumbling Joe before South Carolina and after South Carolina is that now he’s louder and more assertive.  How long will he get away with a stump speech that consists of the preamble to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and an occasional Robert Frost quotation?  How long will the media be able to pretend that Old Joe has got his Mo back? 

How long will the Lib Media get away with ignoring Biden’s record of being on the wrong side of the issues?  Biden chaired the committee that skewered Anita Hill and secured Clarence Thomas a place on the Supreme Court.  Biden sponsored the notorious crime bill that led directly to the mass incarceration of minorities.  Biden forcefully sponsored and supported every American industry killing Free Trade deal from NAFTA to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  Biden voted to repeal the critical Glass-Steagall regulation that protected consumers from reckless Wall Street speculation.  Biden voted for the bankruptcy bill that made it harder for ordinary people to cancel their debts to unscrupulous banks and business interests.  Biden failed to oppose the Keystone Pipeline and supports fracking.  Biden supported the Iraq and Afghan wars with all his heart.  Biden was an author and sponsor of the Patriot Act, an act that stands alongside the Alien and Sedition Acts as an assault on civil liberties. 

The only time Biden remembers the workers, the environment, equal rights, women’s rights or civil liberties is election time. 

If I sound a little disillusioned, I am.  Four years ago, faced with the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, I warned everyone who would listen that Hillary Clinton was not only the wrong candidate to defeat Trump.  She was precisely the wrong candidate.  She suffered a severe credibility gap with working people.  She was saddled with enough baggage to supply the Olympic track team.  And she alienated the beating heart of the party: The Bernie Brigade. 

Yet all the party operatives and all the “liberal” media pundits went down the path to defeat with smiles on their faces.  Hillary couldn’t lose.  Until she did. 

Now they’re doing the exact same thing all over again. 

And now I’m sounding the same alarm and I hope it’s not too late.  If not for California standing up to all the media hype and Democratic machine propaganda, it surely would be. 

Biden is not the candidate they’re pretending he is and no amount of money or propaganda can sustain such an illusion from now to Election Day. 

Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist or Social Democrat, is the man who can take us home.  He’s as genuine as an old pair of Levi jeans.  His only interest is to deliver a government that represents the common folk.  Biden talks the talk.  Bernie walks the walk. 

If the people are allowed to hear his ideas, they will embrace them.  They know by raw instinct he’s right.  Bernie’s Medicare for All will provide universal healthcare while saving the nation $450 billion per year.  It will also save 68,000 lives per year.  [1, 2]  Bernie is dedicated to a Green Economy, a national minimum wage, labor union protections and a foreign policy that works for peace.  Bernie wants an immigration policy that legalizes people who are already here and contributing to our society.  Bernie wants an end to the private prison industry.  Bernie wants access to quality education, including college or trade school, for all.  Bernie wants our most promising students to be free of unconscionable debt. 

Will he get everything that he proposes?  No.  But he will get something.  All newly elected presidents get something.  Obama got Obamacare and it clearly wasn’t enough.  If Bernie gets Medicare for All or something like it, we will all be significantly better off.  Bernie will get a lot more than that because the people will demand it and congress will respond.    

Don’t believe the same old hype.  The candidate to beat Donald Trump is Bernie Sanders. 


1.     Improving the prognosis of healthcare in the USA.  Prof Alison P. Galvani, PhD, Alyssa S. Parpia, MPH, Eric M. Foster, Burton H. Singer, PhD, Meagan C. Fitzpatrick, PhD.  The Lancet.  February 15, 2020.
2.     Multiple studies show Medicare for All would be cheaper than public option pushed by Moderates. By Igor Derysh.  Salon, February 20, 2020. 

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