Thursday, August 24, 2023

A Killer Kills



A Killer Kills


The Wagner boss is dead now

And no one is surprised

When you cross the man in power

You know you have to die


A liar lies

A tiller tills

A wise man why’s

A killer kills


How many have to die?

In one man’s quest for power?

For none will ask him why

This is the killing hour


A painter paints

A miller mills

A fainter faints

A killer kills


He shot Prigozhin out of the sky

Like a duck on a frozen pond

Putin wears an expression wry

As he waves his killing wand


A sinner sins

Attorneys make wills

A winner wins

A killer kills


Wednesday, August 23, 2023






They do not speak my language

They listen with their ears

But my words never quite form

They tell me I’ve lost my voice

They say they know how to find it

But they do not know me

They do not know where I come from

They do not know my language

I try to learn their words and syntax

But they carry a foreign sound

They will always sound strange

A sound less than genuine

For they do not speak my language

And I do not speak theirs

We speak across one another

We listen and nod and take it in

But we know it does not belong

Our hearts and souls reject it

Like the babble of ancient lore

We are of different tribes

We come from different ways

Our words rattle in other voices

Our ways cannot find home

Someday we will find a bridge

Someday we will find connections

That remind us we are one

Until then we can only nod

And pretend we understand


Monday, August 21, 2023

Fallen Souls


Fallen Souls


Remember when the end of time

Was an amusing notion?

Remember we pretended that

Love came in a potion?

Little did we know that we

Would live to see revealed

The end of everything we love

The secrets we concealed


We are not evil people

We are not fallen souls

We have lost something sacred

We need to make us whole


We look back with rueful fondness

On the days that came before

Before the darkness, before the storm,

Before the latest war

We wish we could go back there

Before it all began

To when we were the chosen

The leaders of the band


We are not ill-intentioned

We’re not without our charm

We never wanted hurtful things

We did not wish you harm


Those days that we remember

Were not the way they seem

The days of simple innocence

They happened in a dream

Where everyone was happy

Where no one went to war

Where everyone we knew

Shopped at the local store


We are not evil people

We are not fallen souls

We have lost something sacred

We need to make us whole

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Fleeing the Fires



Fleeing the Fires


(for the people of the Canadian Northwest Territories)


Fleeing the fires of human neglect

Midnight past the waiting hour

The brave rise, the cowardly reflect

What more can we do but cower?


A storm travels a long, lonely night

It screams of boom thunder quaking

A sky of calm darkness filled with light

The planet is gradually awaking


The creatures of the forest know

The wolf, the hawk, the silent owl

They search for safety high and low

Grim visage is out on the prowl


We fight, we pray, we scream and shout

We call out to the gods of all wonder

Reveal to the innocent a pathway out

Before it takes us all under


But the gods can only shake their heads

In deep sympathy and fool sorrow

The vengeful monster has already been fed

No power in heaven can alter tomorrow


Saturday, August 19, 2023





We don’t need words that tickle the senses

But fall short of coherent message

We don’t need poetry that dances on

Starlight but never touches the core

We don’t need magicians that conjure

Silken roses from puffs of thin air

But never pierce the boundaries of thought


We need words that hit hard as fists

That move the passive soul into action

We need poetry that rides the waves of

Passion to a destination of outrage

We need conjurers to transform the silent

Masses of the uninformed and unengaged

Into dedicated armies of change


We need artists with a social range

Writers who will open doors of power

Voices that rattle the tallest towers

Leaders who rise to the critical hour

People who deliver times of change


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Killer Flames


Killer Flames


The curse of Prometheus is upon us

The light of the heavens

The warmth of the gods

The greatest gift ever bestowed

Become the destroyer of man


Once we knew how to control the flames

We employed them to cook our food

To warm our homes

To bring light to darkness

To mold metals into useful form


But that which once served humanity

Has now become our enemy

A killer of our people

A destroyer of our abodes


We must learn again how to use fire

We must learn how to control it

We must learn how to defend our homes

Our schools and buildings

Our towns and cities

From the devastation of runaway flames

We must work to balance the forces of

nature – wind, rain, fire and ice –

or the forces of nature will work

together to destroy us


Wednesday, August 16, 2023





Visions of ethereal beings

Floating through my mind with care

We cannot bring them down to earth

Reach out and touch them if you dare


We are stuck inside an empty room

That has no windows and no doors

We cannot see what fortune looms

But still we’re crying out for more


And the ghosts of past keep singing

And the bells inside are ringing

And no one has anything to say

They shrug as I go on my way

Stuck in a room without doors

And the crowd calls out for more


I go downtown to find a preacher

Wearing a vest and a tie-dye tee-shirt

I’ll ask and he will have an answer

If not the dance let it be the dancer


And the visions dancing through my mind

I lay it down and let it unwind

She says relax, have a drink of wine

Before I know it there’s no more time

No visions when you’re running blind

Just a feeling that we’ll never find

The answers that we left behind


And the visions slowly fade away

There’s no one left but we must stay

Goodbye to dreams of yesterday

Relax and watch the spirits play

Monday, August 14, 2023

Power & Obedience



Power & Obedience


“The man of virtuous soul commands not,

nor obeys. Power, like a desolating

pestilence, pollutes whate’er it touches;

and obedience, bane of all genius,

virtue, freedom, truth, makes slaves of men,

and, of the human frame, a mechanized

automation.”  Percy Shelley


Thou shall not yield to power

Thou shall not blindly obey

There is no power in heaven or on earth

That commands the heart of virtue


Power poisons the soul

Distorts all sense of fairness

Takes a hard and heavy toll

Shatters empathy and care

Destroys the heart of all humanity

Lays a giving cupboard bare

Replaces virtue with mere vanity

Leaving us to blindly stare


Obedience without reason

Feeds the worst of humankind

Fosters greed and brutality

Strips the obedient of their pride

Tips the balance of duality

Destroying us from inside


Give the power to the wise

Let only virtue rule the day

See through the politician’s lies

Let the righteous light the way

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Good Old Days


The Good Old Days


In the good old days

We never questioned our parents

We respected our teachers

We obeyed the police

We did as we were told

We said yes, ma’am and no, sir

Please and thank you

We never rocked the boat


Then the sixties came and

all hell broke loose

We questioned everything

We demanded honesty and truth

We demanded answers

We saw injustice and fought back

We resisted authority

We broke the rules and made our own

We smoked pot and dropped pills

We refused to blindly follow


In the good old days

We were “free white and twenty-one”

Now we are just free

Free to be, free to think and

Free to question what

those good old days

were really like

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Paradise in Flames (Maui)


Paradise in Flames


Maui is in flames today

A lush green island getaway

A place where the privileged stay

A paradise where the wealthy play

But there are ordinary people too

What will the many homeless do?

When the hurricane winds rose and blew

They fanned the flames, the fires grew

Of course the tourists got out fast

Of course the homeless get out last

Paradise will never be the same and

All of us must share the blame

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Money (for Elon Musk)




Those who think about money most

Are those who do not have it

(at least, not enough of it)


Those who have the most money

(enough to toss it away on toys

and games and playthings)

Never have to think about it at all

Money grows from the ground

They plant their feet upon

Like potatoes and root vegetables

They hire day labor to water and tend

And the famine never comes


One day however the famine will come

And the people with all the money

Will learn to count and recount

And tend to their own piece of land


When that day comes

Money will lose its meaning

People with grit and character

Will rise to rule the earth

While the people with money

Will fall and fade away

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Joshua Trees


Joshua Trees


Fire rolls across the desert

The Joshua Trees disappear

An ecosystem forever altered

The realization of our fears


Fire cannot burn the sand

These trees have stood a thousand years

Scorched and turned to wasteland

The howling wind is all we hear


And will we ever learn

The error of our ways

Let the barren deserts burn

As we approach the end of days


We have become destroyers

Of all we know and see

Our past will never know

The future that must be


Monday, August 07, 2023

Killing Migrants


Killing Migrants


Killing migrants on the Big River

Killing migrants on the river of hope

Killing migrants for a political stunt

To make America great again


We need labor on the fields of plenty

We need workers to pick the crops

We need someone to care for the kids

We need people to tend the gardens

We need someone to trim the hedges

Rake the leaves and mow the lawns

We need workers to build new houses

To shelter and care for the elderly

We need people to fight the fires

And help those caught in the storm


Instead of putting them to work

We call names and drown them

As they if they have no value

As if they were not human