Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Outside Agitators


Outside Agitators

At the end of the trail
Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
Stands with pride for his people
Saying: I will fight no more forever

At the end of a long bus ride
MLK sits in a Birmingham jail
And writes that justice is the rightful
Inheritance of all human beings

At the end of a dusty march
Cesar Chavez stands with the farmworkers
Of Solano and Bakersfield
To declare their right to organize

At the end of a long hard road
Steinbeck looks out across the great
Fields of plenty and proclaims the right
Of all men and women to live in dignity

At the end of a long futile campaign
To win final passage of the ERA
Bella Abzug declares that the age of
Gender inequality is over

In times of crisis at the end of the day
Leaders rise to the occasion
To calm a divided nation
To ease our collective pain
To bring us together
(if only for a moment)
To reassure and awaken our faith

At the end of a twitter rampage
Our president wonders aloud
If he can send his opponents to jail
If he can outlaw voting by mail
If he can order soldiers to crush
Protesters in the streets

In times of crisis
Leaders answer the call
Pretenders fall

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Leadership in a Time of Crisis



At the end of the trail
Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
Stands with pride for his people
Saying: I will fight no more forever

At the end of a long bus ride
MLK sits in a Birmingham jail
And writes that justice is the rightful
Inheritance of all human beings

At the end of a dusty march
Cesar Chavez stands with the farmworkers
Of Solano and Bakersfield
To declare their right to organize

At the end of a long hard road
Steinbeck looks out across the great
Fields of plenty and proclaims the right
Of all men and women to live in dignity

At the end of a long futile campaign
To win final passage of the ERA
Bella Abzug declares that the age of
Gender inequality is over

In times of crisis at the end of the day
Leaders rise to the occasion
To calm a divided nation
To ease our collective pain
To bring us together
(if only for a moment)
To reassure and awaken our faith

At the end of a twitter rampage
Our president wonders aloud
If he can send his opponents to jail
If he can outlaw voting by mail
If he can order soldiers to crush
Protesters in the streets

In times of crisis
Leaders answer the call
Pretenders fall

Monday, June 01, 2020

Up in Flames


Up in Flames

When flames broke out in Minneapolis
The soul of a nation caught fire
It might have been the world
From Moscow to Madrid
From Israel to Istanbul
From Panama to Paris
From Lisbon to London
Primed and ready to explode

Like that long forgotten summer
When Watts went up in flames
And the westside of every town
From San Diego to the coast of Maine
Balanced on the edge of eruption
Held their breaths
And waited

Strike a flint and watch it burn
People cannot hold in place
So long without giving way
Without finding some release
Without setting off a chain reaction
That reaches from the smallest village
To the vast metropolis of LA

Like that summer of 68
When the students of Paris
Claimed the streets demanding
Fundamental change
The authorities didn’t understand
They don’t understand today

We have reached a tipping point
We stand on the precipice
Of total cataclysmic destruction
There is no mother that doesn’t smell it
There is no father that does not sweat
The powder keg is filled to brimming
And no one is beyond the reach
Of its destructive pull

May cooler calmer heads prevail
May poets and preachers carry the day
This is not a time for vengeance
It is a time for common cause
A time for human kindness to rise
And unchecked anger to subside

We are all in this together
Heart to heart mind to mind
We are all in this together
And together we must find
A way out of this bind

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Protest in a Time of Pandemic


Protest in a Time of Pandemic

The masses gather on the streets
Oblivious to the times
Rage surrounded by anger
Calls for justice shouts of indignation
Fear and fury grips the nation

They believe they’ve been granted immunity
By the righteousness of their cause
And the oppression of their community

The masses form a mob and push
A swirling wall of outrage
Chanting slogans waving signs
Demonstrating their despair
All while breathing toxic air

Swarming like disturbed hornets
Throwing elbows resisting calm
Taunting fingers seeking cover
Taking hits and shedding tears
While the cops exploit their fear
The gas swallows them whole
As they rush for shelter and affirm
A pledge of tribal unity

The right to gather in protest
The right to be heard
The right to live free and clear
May one day become
The right to die for your conviction

Some wore masks
Some did not
Some sought distance
Most forgot

Is it fair to ask
How many will die
For this one man’s brutal killing?

Five Days of Fury


Five Days of Fury

Four days of civil unrest
Four days of building tension
Four days of subversion
By elements of anarchy
Lawlessness and looting
Incitement and instigation

Who are these insurgents
These promoters of violence
And division?

Anti-fascists or anarchists?
Agents of foreign interests
Hellbent on destruction?

On the fifth day they got their wish
Frustration turned to rage
And rage transformed to chaos
And chaos ruled the night
Like a demon shadow
In deadly flight

A city long left behind
Divide black and white
Birth of a nation
Youth against the fold
New York
Long suffering racial pain
A legacy of shame
City of segregation
Los Angeles
Watts never died
(it just faded away)

On the fifth day
The cops dropped their guard
And the battle began

On the fifth day
We held our breath and prayed

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Earth's Revenge


Earth’s Revenge

I’ve always sneered at people
Who assign human emotions
To inanimate things

A planet has no feelings
Its actions have no motive

It is it does that’s all there is
But consider this: 

All systems have defense mechanisms
The human body has antibodies
It employs in the destruction
Of viral enemies
Every society develops herd immunity
Antibodies on a grand scale

A planet is a system too
A contained system of great complexity
A system under constant attack
By the human species
A grand civilization dedicated
To destroying ecosystems
Threatening the health and balance
Of the whole

What if we are the virus?
What if the virus is the antibody?
The earth’s defense against us

Now it begins to make sense

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Fever


The Fever

Like a phantom in the depth of night
It creeps up on you
Taps you on the shoulder
Takes a bite

You wonder at the sudden chill
The sweat that crawls over you
Like a swarm of microscopic things
Like the warning you never saw
Before it was past too late

You’ve heard that taste and smell
Are dulled by the viral beast

You sniff the air
Sniff the sheet

Fear grips you from the inside
Leaves you paralyzed
Staring like a fool
Into faraway empty skies

You don’t rush to the kitchen
You don’t take the test tonight
What if?  What if?

You wait
You take your time
You think
You prepare your mind

Eyes wide shut
Brain closed tight
Tension builds till morning light

Coffee never tasted so sweet

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Fire


The Fire

A flame sparks in the east
And the president said
Not a problem buy some bread

Sparks burst into flames
And the president said
Go back to sleep nobody’s dead

Flames erupt into fire
New York
And the president declared
Blame Obama if you’re running scared

Wildfire spread across the land
Detroit Chicago New Orleans
And the president fumed
Not my fault if we’re all doomed

Out of control raging fire
And the president steamed
Wake up wake up! it’s only a dream

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Earth Abides


Earth Abides

The sound of robins singing
In the clear fresh air of spring
Births memories of simpler times
When we were free to breathe

The earth abides

We are but a whisper
Lost in a dream
And I am but a dreamer
Drifting with the breeze

To wolves and coyotes
To the rattlesnake and crow
The days of wonder have arrived
The day the humans stayed home

We were the stewards of this earth
But we failed to hold the line
Now we face the woeful consequence
Of pretending we’re divine

The earth abides
The sun still shines
Life blooms wildlife thrives
As we await the waning tide

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lost Souls


Lost Souls

Wandering without direction
Faces drawn in thin lines
Gaunt shallow undefined
Echoes of emotion

They stand where people used to be
They take our places in line
They walk in our paces
Unseeing eyes

Who are these lost souls? 
Were they ever alive? 

Did they speak in our voices?
Were we of the same tribe? 

Pray for the lost
Pray we will find
Meaning purpose devotion
Give us back our lives

Monday, May 25, 2020




Eyes turn inward
Gaze turns back

Scattered images attack
My inner consciousness
Like a flickering strobe

A kid from Nashville who thanked me
With a Yankees shirt and a wry grin
A ride on the Staten Island Ferry
To the shining statue of hope
A woman on the road in Chicago
Who slipped me a twenty on the sly
A ride from hell in the Shenandoah Valley
A whisper in a crowded auditorium

Eyes turn inward
Gaze turns back

So many fleeting memories
Floating in and out of mind
Is this the fluff and stuff of dreams
Or the darkness gaining hold?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Misinformation Kills


Misinformation Kills

In normal times telling lies
To promote your cause
Is par for the course
Like clouds in the sky
As easy as pie

In normal times no one cares
A page in the book
A glance not a look
A walk not a ride
We brush it aside

But these are not normal times
The stakes are too high
Someone might die
So say what you will
Misinformation kills

Saturday, May 23, 2020

We Will Rise Again


After the Fall

We will rise again after the fall
We will strike down the border wall
That protected us from imagined beasts
And find new unity west and east
To face our common foes

United we will make a stand
Man and woman hand in hand
Together we will gather
To shed our common tears
Together we will march
To face our common fears

We will rise again after the fall
We will sing and dance and raise the call
No longer will we cower and hide
We are of the earth and earth abides
Despite our common woes