They do not speak my language
They listen with their ears
But my words never quite form
They tell me I’ve lost my voice
They say they know how to find it
But they do not know me
They do not know where I come from
They do not know my language
I try to learn their words and syntax
But they carry a foreign sound
They will always sound strange
A sound less than genuine
For they do not speak my language
And I do not speak theirs
We speak across one another
We listen and nod and take it in
But we know it does not belong
Our hearts and souls reject it
Like the babble of ancient lore
We are of different tribes
We come from different ways
Our words rattle in other voices
Our ways cannot find home
Someday we will find a bridge
Someday we will find connections
That remind us we are one
Until then we can only nod
And pretend we understand