Replacement Folly
Fear is its name
Fear of others
Fear of colors
Fear of change
Fear of losing hold
Fear of another race
Fear of being replaced
We hold these truths to be self-evident
That the white Anglo Saxon race
Was born to reign above all others
The supreme sisters and brothers
They’re coming to get us
They’re coming to marry our daughters
They’re coming to fill our spaces
They’re coming to replace us
Be afraid
Be very afraid
Be afraid of dark skin radicals
Be afraid of brown and black
Be afraid of open borders
Be afraid of a frontal attack
We own this nation
We fought for it
We committed genocide for it
We killed the buffalo for it
We claimed the land
We planted the flag
This land belongs to us
We are a white Christian nation
All others can clear the way
We conquered the land from sea to sea
You can bet we’re here to stay